Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rihanna - We Found Love

Ever since I first herd this song I was simply captivated, its been on repeat for days. I was finally able to see the video and it totally changed the meaning of the whole song for me. Its definitely not what I expected. I like it though it has a pretty deep story behind it, and is it just me or does this guy look just like Chris Brown? 

 So what do you think do you guys like it, love it, or can definitely live without it?


Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome Home

Lately I have been in the mood for a change, and I decided to start with my enviornment. I have been living in this apartment for about 2+ years and It just dosn't reflect me at all. I have done a few thing like buy new rugs for the bathroom and a new comforter for my bed. With the exception of moving furniture around, I havn't made any really big changes to the place since I moved in. I always wanted to paint or buy certin things to make my apartment a place I was proud to call my home and add my decrotive flair, but I have never really felt motivated to. I think in the back of my head I was just thinking I'm not sure if I am going to renew my lease or if I really wanted to stay. So anyway I am redecorating my apartment =). I am turning my dining room into an office/studio/dining room. I went to Ikea Saturday and bought a few things.
This is the desk I bought and I also bought a LACK shelving unit that I am going to put on the wall horozontally above my desk. I fell in love when I saw it on the showroom floor, and I had to have them both. Sunday I went and bought some paint. I had always wanted to do a green in my kitchen. And I picked a mint blue for my living and dining area. And I was so excited that I couldn't wait so I painted my kitchen last night and at first I was like wow thats bright but now im loving it =). So tonight I will tackle my living and dining area and I will be sure to post pics soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

More Editing Fun by Cay

Sometimes im'm not sure what where i am going with these pictures. but the end product is always amazing. What do you guys think of my lil man Cayden, rockin his dad's fitted. I can see this on a shirt or a poster. :) but im a lil bias.

How To Love - Lil Wayne [Abel Miller Cover] @linkuptv @AbelMiller

Nice lil cover on how to love by lil wayne. In my opinion way better than waynes version. I respect wayne for doin that amazing song, it has a lot of meaning but hes not the best signer. Hearing an amazig singer do this song, changes my love for it.

Amazing Cover on How to Love, Madd Props.

Abel Miller <--- For more music by this guy check out his official You Tube channel here.

Linkuptvuk <---- Check out more music from the UK out. Here is is Youtube channel if your interesting in listening to other songs :) 

What do you guys think, did he do a better job or is wanye better? I would love to hear your opinions :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Editing Fun

Working on my editing...what yall think? I loveee it :) n' my son CJ rocckin the fitted......

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

YouTube + Natural Hair

The Natural Hair Community on YouTube is just awesome and I don't think I would have lasted a whole year of being natural without it.  I originally wanted to only share with you guys my TOP 5 natural hair YouTubers but after hours of contemplating on who my top 5 would be I just couldn't choose.  There are just so many ladies here that have been so inspirational in my natural hair journey I didn't want to leave anyone out.  So I just decided to call out a few that I think anyone considering going natural or a natural who just need some fresh ideas should check out.

I just love her curls they're very close to mine so a lot of things that work on her hair works on mine.  She has great advice and her tutorials are very professional and informative.

Her her is just simply lol and I love her blog as well lots of good info for naturals.

Love her styles, and she does great make-up tips as well.

She has awesome style videos.  If your tiered of wearing the same old natural styles definitely check here out.

I fell in love with her red hair.  But she has a great personality as well and great tips for taking care of color treated natural hair.

So definitely check these ladies out and subscribe if you are not already a subscriber =)

Someone Like You!

Someone Like You by: Adele

I finally got my hands on Adele's latest album and this is the first song I fell in love with.  I just can relate to it in so many ways.  It's awsome when you can find songs that express exactly what your feeling.  Not only does she has an awesome voice, but she makes you feel every last word. 

I went searching for videos and came across this video on YouTube and fell in love with Casy Ford Alexander.  Check out his channel.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Love this Akon Song on DJ Smallz Mixtape

Southern Smoke Radio R&B 5

My favorite so far is Akon - Rely. I love Akon's cute songs about love. He always does an amazing job. 
Listen for yourself and check the rest of DJ Smallz Mixtape.

A Strong Father and Daughter Bond as CEO's

Father and Daughter start there own business. This is so amazing to see this kind of thing. He's doing this for his daughter and showing her what lifes all about at the young age of 7 years old. His oldest daughter is a silent-partner at 11 years old. I can see them doing big things, because companies like this you show support too. 
Check out the full story from Black Enterprise or go to the link below to go directly to ths article.

Father-Daughter CEOs Strengthen Family Bond with New Publishing Company - Black Enterprise

I encorage everyone to believe in their talents that they were given and share them with the world. Like this father and daughter have done.

8 Blogging Basics for Small Business Owners - Black Enterprise

Check out this article from Black Enterprise . If you are tryin to start a business these are some very basic blogging tips to help you get the head start that you need to maintain a blog and yet still maintain the business structure.

8 Blogging Basics for Small Business Owners - Black Enterprise

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Check out Kriswak on YouTube

I fould this guy browsing my tumblr. and i absolutely love this
video and this beyonce song that he did. He has such an amazing voice.

Do you like hiss style?

I think its so different and such a unique idea. its hard not to just fall in love with @kriswak.Check him out for yourself. Lots more videos to fall in love with on you tube. :)

Am i Really that odd?

Where are all my Left-handed people at? Im wondering if you go through the same thing I do just by being left-handed. People act like your some kind of strange person when they see you using your left hand. They are always like “your left handed?? Isn’t that hard using your left hand to do things?: well umm no it kinda isn’t if I was born left-handed. Its like they cant comprehend that using my left hand is normal for me. I have to simply explain to people no its not hard because I been using my left hand all my life. Haha. Its kind of funny. I think the only 2 things I can think of that I find difficult to do with my left hand is write with a pencil because my hand drags over everything I have already written. And I smug my writing or I get a huge lead stain on the side of my hand. The other thing is sing scissors. Theres always that one pair of scissors I try to use that just wont cut anything with my left hand. Then I h ave to try extra hard or ask someone to cut if for me. Im a grown women asking someone to cut something for me. When I try to switch hands and use my right still doesn’t work because im not made to use my right hand. I remember in kindergraden that my teacher always had to cut my stuff out for me, I left weird then because then you seem like the only person that uses their left hand. 
Now the strange thing about me is that any sport I play, I do on my right side. Basketball, softball, and golf are some that I’ve never even tried my left side. I jus went to my right side because it felt right.
I jus wrote this because it seems like every person that discovers that im left handed has  to make some strange comment on how I use my left hand.

Where are all my left-handed people at? Do people do this to you to? I would like to know some of your stories about being left-handed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 I think us left-handed people are a blessing to the earth for even being giving the ability to be different.

Love Ya’ll!

Monday, September 19, 2011

30 Before 30

I have 5 years minus a few months before I have to say good bye to my twenties.  I was reminded Saturday by my 8yr old nephew that I am still young because I am not 30 yet but in 5 years when I am 30 I will be old lol.  Now I don't think 30 is old and that could be because I am fastly approaching that mark, but it got me to thinking about all that I have done and where I wanted to be in my life when I reached that milestone.  So Here is a list that I have carefully put together, in no particular order of 30 things I want to do before I am 30 years old..

I need you guys to help hold me accountable lol for getting these things done in the next 5yrs... and the way time is flying by my time will be up before I know it.

  1. Learn how to ride a motorcycle and get my license.
  2. Buy a motorcycle
  3. Get married
  4. Have children
  5. Buy a house
  6. Go on a cruise
  7. Visit South America
  8. Learn how to swim (don't laugh at me)
  9. Be completely debt free
  10. Run a successful business of my own
  11. Go to Disney World
  12. Go horseback riding
  13. Go fishing
  14. Go Jet skiing 
  15. See the ocean
  16. Visit New York
  17. Live in a loft (with high ceilings, hardwood floors, and exposed brick walls lol)
  18. Live a completely healthy lifestyle
  19. Run 
  20. Ride in an airplane
  21. Road trip across the US
  22. Go on a real camping trip
  23. Try my hand at painting
  24. Truly make a difference in someones life
  25. Take my best friends and my mom on shopping sprees 
  26. Write and illustrate a children's book
  27. Have my own line of stationary products
  28. Go hiking
  29. Go Skiing 
  30. See Beyonce perform live
Now there could definitely be more added to this list, but this is all I can think of for now. Some of it my seem silly or shallow but hey who cares, its my list.  Now its time for me to start knocking these out one by one.

Pencil & Paper

Ever since I was a kid I was in love with just pencil and paper.  Whether it was writing or drawing, it just seemed like in that moment nothing else would exist to me.  It just took me to a place of pure serenity where I didn't have to think about anything.  Over the years I kinda lost that.  I got busy you can say.  I got into graphic design but I spend more time on the computer working on my designs than I do with just pencil and paper and I really miss that.

So my goal is to get back to the pencil and paper, and just feed my talents.  I know I'm a good artist I just don't work on it enough.  I've gotten too caught up in other things in my life to focus on some of the things that I really love to do, the things that are just in me and comes naturally.

I drew the above picture about a year ago while I was at work on a Sunday board out of my mind and I had no idea that it would turn out as good as it did.  Sure there is a lot of flaws in this drawing but I did it in like two hours so thinking about how quickly I drew this picture made me think of how good I could be if I put a little more time and effort into it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

1 Year Natural

I finally reached my one year natural mark and I could not have been any more excited, and proud of my self for making this life style change and actually sticking to it.  After transitioning with sew-in for 18+ months last September I decided that I wanted to have healthy hair that grows out of my head that I can be proud of and not have to hide or fight with it all the time.  So I decided to not put any heat in my hair for a year and began to learn  how to take care of my natural hair.

Now because I went heat free for a whole 12 months I was super excited to straighten my hair and see how long and healthy it looked flat ironed.  Because I wasn't patient and had a wedding to attend I decided to blow dry and flat iron my hair the night before the hottest day of the year lol....and it turned into a giant fro lol. It didn't help that I was afraid to damage my hair so i barely used a high heat setting, which is the only way I can get my hair to be straight.  I love my giant fro but it was not the look I was going for.  So I did a dry braid out and absolutely loved the results.

After rocking my dry braid out as long as possible before wetting my hair I couldn't wait to try more styles and just experiment more with my hair in a blown out state.  So I did it again and it just did not turn out the way I wanted.  So I decided to just twits up my hair without extensions like I do with my Senegalese twist and I absolutely love the results lol.  

I didn't think I would because of my obsession with long hair lol.  But as it turns out my twist are longer than I thought they would be.  I just wish I would have done them smaller. Maybe next time.  I think this is definitely gonna be my new go to protective style for the winter months.  I'm so excited to continue this journey and see all that my hair has to offer =)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Curls, Curls, Curls!

So anyone who knows me know that I am obsessed with curly hair.  I have been natural for 1yr now after transitioning with sew-ins for about a year and a half.  During this journey (which I will share in more detail later) I have come to love my hair in its natural curly state, or with stretched out styles.  So below I have many many many pictures of curly haired beauties that inspire me and I hope they inspire you as well.


none of the pictures above are owned by tri-love

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Toy Story 3 Review

Toy Story 3 Review

The Pixar film, Toy Story 3 is a brilliant sequel that sets itself on another level from Toy Story and Toy Story 2. When Toy Story was aired in 1995 it immediately became an all-time favorite, and had every kid wondering what their toys did while they were not around. The characters we all fell in love with, Woody played by Tom Hanks and Buzz Lightyear played by Tim Allen are back for another action packed adventure in the world of toys. This 2010 Pixar film was directed by Lee Unkrich, who has no problem making this cute animation movie enjoyable for all ages and including an underlying message to the viewers. 
            For everyone who has been following the Toy Story series might feel like they grew up with the lovable owner of the toys, Andy. We wa7tched him get his very first toy Woody followed by Buzz Lightyear, so it’s a surprise to us to see Andy has grown up and ready to go off to college. His sister Molly, went from a baby to a tween, who cracks on Andy for still having these toys in his room.  And we all remember the peppy family dog, which now is old and slow moving. Andy’s toys have always found a way to amuse themselves when no one was watching but for this bunch there future is uncertain.  As Andy is finishing up packing for college he had some decisions to make, what goes in the attic for keeps, what gets thrown away, and what gets donated to other kids.  You can tell how much Woody means to him because it’s the only toy he could not give away and had planned on taking to him to college because he could not break his attachment from his childhood toy. The others were not happy that Andy would choose to give him away, but it was his mom who made the mistake because Andy wanted them to be put in the attic. Woody cares too much about his pals to let them get thrown away so he comes up with a plan to save his friends. Eventually the toys end up at Sunnyside Day Care Center, which is described as  “a place of ruin and despair,” according to Mr. Prickle Pants played by Timothy Dalton. After they see how the toys are treated at Sunnyside and not at all what they’ve been told, the rest of the movie is an action packed prison escape.  Sunnyside is not at all what they imagined especially after meeting some of the new characters like the big purple teddy bear  named Lots-O-Hugs, which all the toys treat like the leader. There is also The one eyed baby who looks like a giant compared to the other toys, the deceiving nicely dressed Ken doll and the screeching monkey who is the eyes for the evil Lots-O-Hugs.
            Toy Story 3 is a story of friendship and imagination. Toy Story 3 is filled with lots of themes that make it so lovable, like family, friends, coming of age, and potential social obsolesce. No one wants to grow old and not be useful to anyone or anything anymore which is how Andy feels about his toys.  I love how Toy Story 3 emphasizes how much friends mean to one another and how friends should stick together, and that’s what makes true pals. Throughout the whole movie no matter what obstacles Woody, Buzz, and the rest of the gang went through, they always stuck together. Even when Woody didn’t go to Sunnyside Day Care Center like the rest, he was on a mission to get there and save his friends.  They all plot together on how to escape from Sunnyside and never turned their backs on one another and always stuck together. Even towards the end of the movie when Lots-O-Bear was in danger, Woody risked his life to save him, saying “us toys need to stick together,” but was tricked only so Lots-O-Hugs could escape not caring for anyone but himself. But what was really touching and made everyones heart melt, was when Woody and the gang had to face a situation where they thought they would not escape and would not escape from getting burned to ashes. The whole gang looked at each other, locked hands, and was ready to face their destiny together. Not one time did these pals deceive each other or only think about themselves in any of the situations they faced through out there prison escape adventures.  We all wish that we could have friends as loyal as they are to one another.
            Another reason why Toy Story 3 shows diversity to all ages is the fact that we all have to deal with the issue of coming of age. This is something that kids have to experience and adults are all too familiar with.  I think we all can relate to having our most cherished toys from our youth. The ones that we couldn’t go anywhere without and would breakdown if we misplaced. So we all can understand how hard it was for Andy to give up some of his most favorite toys. It’s never easy to let go of something you cherished for so long.  Apart of growing up is letting things go, which Andy battles with throughout the movie. Should he keep his toys in the attic for memories, give them away for other kids to enjoy, or throw them away? Our hearts all melted when Andy finally made the decision to give them to another little girl named, Bonnie, who would cherish them just like he did. She had the same kind of love for her toys as Andy did when he was a child. For Andy, I think this was the closure that he needed to finally go off to college and depart from his favorites for good. Andy knew they were in good hands, unlike the kids at Sunnyside.
            Toy Story 3 was by far the most action packed, creative, and funny movie of all the Toy Stories. The characters took some new turns like Buzz was bilingual and Mr. Potato Head found a new identity as a tortilla, and all new characters that left you wondering what would happen next from the good ones to the bad ones from Sunnyside. For the duration of this 103 minute movie it never seemed to once take its audience for granted. From the vivid characters, to the background music, to the underlying messages to kids and adults, Director Lee Unkrich deserves a standing ovation for the creation on this movie and the ending to an amazing sequel.

Unkrich, Lee. (Director).  Anderson, D.  (Producer). (2010). Toy Story 3 [Film]. Burbank: Pixar.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Carter IV Review


First of all, I gotta give credit to my man wayne. He's back. People think because he aint drop an album since he been in jail, he gotta give us some some mind blowing music. But i think he smarter than that. He gotta hype the people up and I think he made his point loud and clear. WAYNE'S BACK. When you are able to listen to a CD all the way through that means a lot to a person, it doesn't happen often, the Carter IV will have you kicked back and ready to relax. I can't not wait to hear the next album already. Props to wayne for a well put together album that leaves us wayne fan's anticipating his next move in the rap game. 
P.S. You better be working on something with my girl Nicki Minaj. 

(My Favorite Songs are in Bold.)

  1. Intro
  2.  Blunt Blowin' - This beat has your head boppin the whole time. I like how weezy be playin wit his voice in this song. The hook is my favorite part.
  3. Megaman
  4. 6 Foot 7 Foot 
  5. Nightmares of the Bottom
  6. She Will - Drizzy and Wayne always produce fire. This is a song i will playin for a long time. I cant help but stop whatever im doin and vibe a long.
  7. How to Hate - Another Auto-tuned T-pain special and i think he did the dayum thing. I love his part more then Wayne's. T-Pain I love when your motivated enough to make some fire music and lil wayne was the inspiration.
  8. Interlude
  9. John
  10. Abortion
  11. So Special
  12. Hot to Love
  13. President Carter
  14. It's Good - Not a Jay-Z fan, but interested to see where this beef might go. Never thought Wayne would be dissin Jay-Z.
  15. Outro
( Their might be some bonus tracks missing, i dont have all the names)

Bonus Track - Mirror on the Wall - By far one of my favorites on the CD. I love when weezy really raps something deep with meaning. I feel like this is a must hear. Bruno Mars is really vibin wit wayne, so here take a listen for yourself. what do you think? I know i can relate.

Remember your ABC's ....

Remember your ABC's everyone, well its not just something you teach your children in kindergarden. You can use the lovely letters of the alphabet to spice up your relationship. I have to give credit for Parents Magazine for publishing this great relationship tactic. Any couples can play this, money isnt a factor in this game, if you cant afford it theres plenty of free things, but remember to spurge on yourself every now and then its good for the soul. :D To play the ABC dating game you very simple just start with the letter A and think of a date you can create, revolved on things that start with an A. For example for A you can go to an aquarium, apple picking, watch avatar. You guys get the picture and you continue doing this till you get to the letter Z. by doing this you are discussing and planning with your partner and have plenty of oppurtunites to do things you both enjoy. After the first few letters you'll be excited to plan the next date together. Watch how much fun you'll have together but i strongly recommend that you use this opportunity to learn some new things about each other during this adventure.
G for Getaway

B for Bike Ride
P for Walk in the Park

S for Snorkeling.

Imagination is Required for this Activity as well as Creativeness & Remember the Sky is the Limit. 

never give your heart to someone who doesn't have one

this was originally my first blog idea, but i saved it for last today. (my son is really buggin' me right now about some movie, so ill make it fast). ima keep it real. ive had some pretty messed up relationships in the past. meaningless, im tryin' to tell you. sometimes i sit back and wonder what the heck i was thinkin'!! i cant even blame it on my youth. because i knew what i was doin'. i guess ill chalk them up to growin' pains. but as of this point in my life, ill admit: im going to be one stingy bastard when it comes to my heart. my son gets in, no questions asked. but id say he's the only make who doesn't have to prove his worth to be there. everyone else, i gotta test. i used to not care, but now im like 'show and prove'. when i love, i love hard. i dont like to leave room for doubt, exceptions, etc. the next bf i have, i only want to have eyes for him. i know i deserve a good 'relay'. i want it to be natural. not something i had to beg for, long for, hope the person changes if i love 'em long enough. you know, all that mess. its one thing to be patient with someone, its another thing to just be wastin' ya time. knowing the diff' is crucial. if you give your heart to someone who doesnt have one, it doesn't mean they're 'heartless'. it means that they just don't have a 'heart' for you. and thats ok. ain't nobody say everyone is gonna love you. but i think a lot of people ignore that tiny feeling in the back of their mind tellin' 'em there's no future with someone. we tell ourselves, ' well i dont know the future, so its still possible.' wrong and right. wrong in the sense that with some people, you just know it ain't gon' happen. no matter how optimistic you are. and right, no one knows the future. but i'll tell ya, i have some pretty good of right now im happy with the person im involved with. do i know if we are going to end up together forever? naw! am i willing to find out? yeah. will i ask questions and try to get to know if they are on the same page as i? hell yeah, i'd be a foo' not to. oscar wilde said something like 'ill wait forever for you, as long as you dont take too long.' and that's some of the realest sh** i've heard. he kept it real! everyone has their limits. dang, most people do want that whole happily ever after, but they aren't going to spend a lifetime to get there. guard your heart. you want to give it to someone who'd trade theirs for yours. not run off with it and send you a postcard sayin', 'wish you were here'.

single mama drama

ahhh, the quintessential 'single mom'. even though im not the stereotypical 'baby mama' as some women claim to be. i cant believe some women are proud of that!! i try not to think about parenting solo. i just live my life! its like i had to adjust and there was a new person added into my life. the most important person in my life. of course its hard at times, and i might look at his dad with an 'evil eye' if he ticks me off. but other than that, life is smooth. being a mom has made me up the ante. i graduated and ive worked harder than i ever have in my life. when you have a kid, there is no option to sink or swim. you just gotta make it, however you have to. of course i could try to sound all motivational, inspirational, etc to other single moms out there. but thats what yall would expect. lets keep it real. situations and feelings differ from person to person. just keep your head up. never let your kid see you 'goin' thru'. also dont blame the absent parent. it is what it is, right? your child is already here, and for whatever reason, you had them with that person. all you can do is be the best mama you can be, regardless. i wouldnt take my son back for anything. forget about me teaching him things for a minute; ive learned so much from him...

Goin' Au Naturale!

ive been playing around with the idea of going 'natural' for months. but i had neither the time nor the patience to dedicate to that kind of change in my life. i could barely keep up with my relaxers!! between 3 jobs, school (at one point) and my son, i was barely keeping myself presentable. but ive been doing a little research and figured, 'why not?'. my hair texture is pretty manageable as is. as of right now my last perm was a month ago. we shall see if i can stay away from them lol! my first transitional style are twists. my hair was tapered in the back and im just happy i had enough hair back there to grab on to! the next style i want is a weave of some sort. ive been lookin' in to the pros and cons and have abused youtube lookin' at diff' techniques and styles. im happy to say for my 25th bday comin' up at the end of the month, i will look ridiculously sexy hahah! plus ill be growing my hair out! im geeked. so let my hair journey begin...

FALL!!!: Why I can't wait!

So fall is my absolute favorite season of all time! lol There is just something about the feeling in the air.  Living in Michigan definitely has it's advantages as well, because I get a first hand look at all the beauty autumn brings.  This fall I'm excited about a few things and I must share:


Ok, ok so I have never really been a die hard football fan, but I do know a little bit about the game and living a city away from the best college football team ever ;-) and working minutes away from the stadium I can't help but be a Michigan fan.  The atmosphere around here is just awesome.  My ex would be very proud of this post lol.  Anyway, this year I get a first hand U of M football experience.  I've volunteered to help my church work concessions at a few of the home games.  This is going to be fun!


So I saw the first Twilight and I was like ok this is cool.  But after having my 16 yr old cousin live with me and force me to watch the second one and third one over and over....and over again.  I can't help be be excited to see the next one.  Not to happy that is just part one of Breaking Dawn, because that mean, I will be forced to wait again for the next part lol.  Patience is a virtue!


Now I'm not a big apple fan lol....I know, I know your like why the post then.  I mean who dosn't like going to the apple orchard? I just love the whole apple orchard atmospher: the cider, donuts, and hayrides.  It's just something I think everyone should experience.


I have always loved fall fashion.  The jackets, boots, sweaters, cardigans, the layers, I just love it all there is so much you can do to play with your look.  This is by far my favorit thing about fall.

Oh I can't forget HOODIES. Gotta love snuggling up in a nice oversize hoodie, it has to be the most comfortable piece of clothing ever lol.


Living in an apartment dosn't stop me from enjoying bonfires.  My neighbors have one like every weekend I must crash their party a few times this fall.


This is my second favorit holiday and this year its going to be extra special!  I recently found out I have an 8 yr old nephew and my brother is adopting him so the new addition is going to be fun to have around for the holidays.

And last but not least the BEAUTY!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Monday!!!:Whats your motivation?

I'v been thinking a lot about what keeps me motivated.  What makes me want to keep going and try harder and harder to reach my goals.  The last couple of weeks have been very hard for me, I'v been going through so much, I'm suprised that I still have hair on my head. Last week in general was very rough for me, not having a car, granny being in the hopital, my job, and my lights being out just made me want to snap.  I actually did for a minute...on my manager...o___O was not a good thing to do.  We ended up talking it out though and everything ended up fine. 

After all thats been going on sometimes I just don't want to do it any more, anything! I'm like i just want to lay in the bed not get up and ignore all my messages and all my phone calls and my job, and just not do anything anymore.  But I realize you don't get anywhere in life living like that lol.  And with my mind constantly bouncing around I would get board really quick lol. 

I know staying motivated for me is hard sometimes, exspecailly when I feel like I'm not making much progress.  Here are a few tips to staying motivated:

Micromanage your goals. Sometimes I think when we set goals for ourselves reaching them can seem to be so far away and the time it takes to reach your goals can ruin your spirits sometimes.  It may even make it seem that its impossible to reach.  So if you break down the big picture into smaller more managelable goals it will keep you on top of things.  Maybe set weekly goals and as long as you stay on top of them the big picture will come together sooner than you thought.

Reward yourself. Once you reached one of your smaller goals don't forget to reward yourself for that, knowing you get to treat yourself to something small you may have been wanting for a while can be great motivation.

Take a break. Remember to leave time in your schedule to breath.  How will you ever enjoy the benefits of your hard work if you don't take care of yourself in the process.

Make obsticals opportunities.  When something pops up that seems to throw you completly off course don't get sad or upset about it.  Just take a breath and then find ways to make that obstical work to your advantage.  Don't let it paralyze you because that will only set you back further.  Use the obsticals that life throws at you as learning or development tool.

Be thankful. Remember always be thankful.  There is always someone in a worse situation than you.  And sometimes we just need to stop and appreciate the things and people we have in our life, because it could all be gone in a blink of an eye.

Check out this guys perspective on motivation....

So what keeps you motivated?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


"Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless."

Monday, August 22, 2011

Acquire What You Desire.

I've learned in relationships that only yourself can create the change that you desire. Simply telling/making someone change is not effective and kind of demanding which creates a bad vibe. You have to understand everyone has their flaws and their own technique of handling situations. A lot of these habits can be impacted from previous relationships, parenting, or even peers. But at the same time that you understand what makes your partner who they are, some of their ways aren't acceptable when they are directed toward others. Every individual is truly unique.

I say that you have to create the change that you desire, it requires you to approach the situation differently then the past, or even what your accustom too and you can do this by knowing your partner. This will allow you to figure out an effective way to approach a barrier in relationship more effectively. The key to all this is to never give up. You have to find a method that works and you might have to try multiple ways to discover what works. There are tons of different approaches to the obstacles that are slowing you down.

Here is an example. If you and your partner fight all the time, I'm sure you talked about the situation plenty of times, trying to figure out how you can not fight so much anymore and it always seems to never work. You, yourself have to think of a different approach. Try telling your partner i don't like fighting with you i want to try a new idea, every time we fight and it gets out of hand we say a word and if one of us say it you have to drop everything and start over and leave any feelings behind. Your creating the change that you desire in an effective way. After you notice a change you can continue to try these approaches to whats causing you to fight as well as any other issues. If you love each other you should at least be willing to try anything.
If you have issues with communicating and it isn't getting any better play the 20 question game. After awhile these habits will become natural that you wont even have to think about it. Before you know it you are creating a healthy happy relationship. Relationships take a lot of work, think outside the box to acquire what you desire.

I encourage everyone to try different approaches and watch your relationship improve. Maybe not over night but any progression shows that anything is possible.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

hey mi gente, its meag'. part of tri-love, of course. finally getting on here. im the procrastinator of the group with good intentions. however, i do have alot of blogging ideas. so i hope you guys enjoy!! i'd introduce myself, but i think thats already under my profile. so all ya really need to know is that im cool. and so are my girls!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cay's About Me.

Hey im Cay. One of the 3 members of Tri-Love. Our new project we all get to share together. We have some amazing things in store for yall, but you have to be patient with us. I remember when we started calling ourselves Tri-Love. We were in college. I think every single person n campus refered to us as the Trio. We were always together. If one of us was missin we were bounded to get questioned. We were a funny, outgoing, outspoken group of gurls. We shared so many amazing epxperiences of our life together. We developed a love for each other that will never be broken. I love my girls. Tri-Love.
Now a little about myself. My name is cayli aka Cay. I love by Cleveland Ohio (really medina but how many of you you heard of that?? lol) Really right now my main focus in life is 3 things. My son, Finishing school, and Work.
My son Cayden Jace was Born on June 29th, 2010. So he is about one years old now (and a couple months) He is my heart. Before he was born i was lost, and confused, i didnt feel like myself i felt like i was slowly slipping away from the world. Now hes gives my life meaning, im motivated. I just want to make a better life for me and my son and thats all. I started back to school the around the time he was born for Paralegal studies. Now that was a year ago and i have a year left. I made the deans list every semester so far. Im becoming the person i never thought i could be and its all cuz of my lil man. I also work but thats no big deal, jus busting my ass for a few dollars to make it till the next week. One day (hopefully soon) ill find the job that makes me happy and pays me what i deserve.
Other then playin with my son for hours upon hours all day. I like to hang out with my boyfriend find new things we can do as a family. That are free lol. Im really into bargain shopping. I love deals i love coupons. I love going to the store buying a 2 dollar shirt and making an amazing outfit outta it. I love to do my nails. its sort of my obsession and i became really good at it. If you live by me and need your nails done for the low holla at ya gurl. lol. I like to experiment with my hair occassionally but just to find some cute style for my hair. Im tryin to embrass my naturally curly hair like my gurl reka taught me lol. I like blogging, but i dont always find the time to sit down and write whats really on my mind. So thats gonna change for this day forward.
Im gonna start selling Mark makeup soon as another little side hustle. So Please Support Me when i get that started.
So i think i told yall enough background on myself. I'm sure you;ll learn all about me as our blog progresses.

Please follow our blog so you can see why we call ourselves Tri-Love and our working progression to show you. Love Yall :)


Monday, August 8, 2011

Allow Me to Introduce Myself!

Ok so before I start coming at you guys with a whole bunch or random blogs filled with all my random thoughts and opinions, please allow me to introduce myself.  Hi, I'm Sareka, but if we'are cool you can just call  me Reka =)

I'm a 25 year old single woman trying to make something of myself out here in these mean streets of Ypsilanti, and its not easy.  I grew up in Detroit and that is where my heart resides but right now I live in Ypsilanti, in my nice little apartment with my best friend Carter (who also happens to be a golden setter).

At the moment I have several different jobs that I am trying to eventually cut down to 1 amazing job.  I'm not gonna mention my day job, but there a well known company that helps me pay the bills and keep the lights on (most of the time :-/). I'm a freelance graphic designer by night, and I'm also in charge of marketing for my moms new business Care Smiths Home and Health Care LLC.  As you can see I am also a Founder of Tri-Love and I am constantly thinking of things to make Tri-Love awesome. 

In my leisure time I write blogs =), read blogs, play with my hair, (I'm completely a natural girl now and loving every bit of it) spend time with my family, spend time with friends, spend time surfing the web or reading magazines, drawing, creating designs, redecorating my apartment in my head, listening to music and basically any random thing that comes to mind.  I'm kind of a free spirit from what I have been told, so I do what I do when I feel like doing it, unless it is something that has to be done. 

Anyway I think that is enough about me for now if you want to know more or have any suggestions just comment below and follow me on twitter
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