Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Am i Really that odd?

Where are all my Left-handed people at? Im wondering if you go through the same thing I do just by being left-handed. People act like your some kind of strange person when they see you using your left hand. They are always like “your left handed?? Isn’t that hard using your left hand to do things?: well umm no it kinda isn’t if I was born left-handed. Its like they cant comprehend that using my left hand is normal for me. I have to simply explain to people no its not hard because I been using my left hand all my life. Haha. Its kind of funny. I think the only 2 things I can think of that I find difficult to do with my left hand is write with a pencil because my hand drags over everything I have already written. And I smug my writing or I get a huge lead stain on the side of my hand. The other thing is sing scissors. Theres always that one pair of scissors I try to use that just wont cut anything with my left hand. Then I h ave to try extra hard or ask someone to cut if for me. Im a grown women asking someone to cut something for me. When I try to switch hands and use my right still doesn’t work because im not made to use my right hand. I remember in kindergraden that my teacher always had to cut my stuff out for me, I left weird then because then you seem like the only person that uses their left hand. 
Now the strange thing about me is that any sport I play, I do on my right side. Basketball, softball, and golf are some that I’ve never even tried my left side. I jus went to my right side because it felt right.
I jus wrote this because it seems like every person that discovers that im left handed has  to make some strange comment on how I use my left hand.

Where are all my left-handed people at? Do people do this to you to? I would like to know some of your stories about being left-handed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 I think us left-handed people are a blessing to the earth for even being giving the ability to be different.

Love Ya’ll!

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