Friday, September 2, 2011

FALL!!!: Why I can't wait!

So fall is my absolute favorite season of all time! lol There is just something about the feeling in the air.  Living in Michigan definitely has it's advantages as well, because I get a first hand look at all the beauty autumn brings.  This fall I'm excited about a few things and I must share:


Ok, ok so I have never really been a die hard football fan, but I do know a little bit about the game and living a city away from the best college football team ever ;-) and working minutes away from the stadium I can't help but be a Michigan fan.  The atmosphere around here is just awesome.  My ex would be very proud of this post lol.  Anyway, this year I get a first hand U of M football experience.  I've volunteered to help my church work concessions at a few of the home games.  This is going to be fun!


So I saw the first Twilight and I was like ok this is cool.  But after having my 16 yr old cousin live with me and force me to watch the second one and third one over and over....and over again.  I can't help be be excited to see the next one.  Not to happy that is just part one of Breaking Dawn, because that mean, I will be forced to wait again for the next part lol.  Patience is a virtue!


Now I'm not a big apple fan lol....I know, I know your like why the post then.  I mean who dosn't like going to the apple orchard? I just love the whole apple orchard atmospher: the cider, donuts, and hayrides.  It's just something I think everyone should experience.


I have always loved fall fashion.  The jackets, boots, sweaters, cardigans, the layers, I just love it all there is so much you can do to play with your look.  This is by far my favorit thing about fall.

Oh I can't forget HOODIES. Gotta love snuggling up in a nice oversize hoodie, it has to be the most comfortable piece of clothing ever lol.


Living in an apartment dosn't stop me from enjoying bonfires.  My neighbors have one like every weekend I must crash their party a few times this fall.


This is my second favorit holiday and this year its going to be extra special!  I recently found out I have an 8 yr old nephew and my brother is adopting him so the new addition is going to be fun to have around for the holidays.

And last but not least the BEAUTY!


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