Friday, September 2, 2011

Goin' Au Naturale!

ive been playing around with the idea of going 'natural' for months. but i had neither the time nor the patience to dedicate to that kind of change in my life. i could barely keep up with my relaxers!! between 3 jobs, school (at one point) and my son, i was barely keeping myself presentable. but ive been doing a little research and figured, 'why not?'. my hair texture is pretty manageable as is. as of right now my last perm was a month ago. we shall see if i can stay away from them lol! my first transitional style are twists. my hair was tapered in the back and im just happy i had enough hair back there to grab on to! the next style i want is a weave of some sort. ive been lookin' in to the pros and cons and have abused youtube lookin' at diff' techniques and styles. im happy to say for my 25th bday comin' up at the end of the month, i will look ridiculously sexy hahah! plus ill be growing my hair out! im geeked. so let my hair journey begin...

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