Monday, September 19, 2011

30 Before 30

I have 5 years minus a few months before I have to say good bye to my twenties.  I was reminded Saturday by my 8yr old nephew that I am still young because I am not 30 yet but in 5 years when I am 30 I will be old lol.  Now I don't think 30 is old and that could be because I am fastly approaching that mark, but it got me to thinking about all that I have done and where I wanted to be in my life when I reached that milestone.  So Here is a list that I have carefully put together, in no particular order of 30 things I want to do before I am 30 years old..

I need you guys to help hold me accountable lol for getting these things done in the next 5yrs... and the way time is flying by my time will be up before I know it.

  1. Learn how to ride a motorcycle and get my license.
  2. Buy a motorcycle
  3. Get married
  4. Have children
  5. Buy a house
  6. Go on a cruise
  7. Visit South America
  8. Learn how to swim (don't laugh at me)
  9. Be completely debt free
  10. Run a successful business of my own
  11. Go to Disney World
  12. Go horseback riding
  13. Go fishing
  14. Go Jet skiing 
  15. See the ocean
  16. Visit New York
  17. Live in a loft (with high ceilings, hardwood floors, and exposed brick walls lol)
  18. Live a completely healthy lifestyle
  19. Run 
  20. Ride in an airplane
  21. Road trip across the US
  22. Go on a real camping trip
  23. Try my hand at painting
  24. Truly make a difference in someones life
  25. Take my best friends and my mom on shopping sprees 
  26. Write and illustrate a children's book
  27. Have my own line of stationary products
  28. Go hiking
  29. Go Skiing 
  30. See Beyonce perform live
Now there could definitely be more added to this list, but this is all I can think of for now. Some of it my seem silly or shallow but hey who cares, its my list.  Now its time for me to start knocking these out one by one.

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