Friday, September 2, 2011

single mama drama

ahhh, the quintessential 'single mom'. even though im not the stereotypical 'baby mama' as some women claim to be. i cant believe some women are proud of that!! i try not to think about parenting solo. i just live my life! its like i had to adjust and there was a new person added into my life. the most important person in my life. of course its hard at times, and i might look at his dad with an 'evil eye' if he ticks me off. but other than that, life is smooth. being a mom has made me up the ante. i graduated and ive worked harder than i ever have in my life. when you have a kid, there is no option to sink or swim. you just gotta make it, however you have to. of course i could try to sound all motivational, inspirational, etc to other single moms out there. but thats what yall would expect. lets keep it real. situations and feelings differ from person to person. just keep your head up. never let your kid see you 'goin' thru'. also dont blame the absent parent. it is what it is, right? your child is already here, and for whatever reason, you had them with that person. all you can do is be the best mama you can be, regardless. i wouldnt take my son back for anything. forget about me teaching him things for a minute; ive learned so much from him...

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