Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Monday!!!:Whats your motivation?

I'v been thinking a lot about what keeps me motivated.  What makes me want to keep going and try harder and harder to reach my goals.  The last couple of weeks have been very hard for me, I'v been going through so much, I'm suprised that I still have hair on my head. Last week in general was very rough for me, not having a car, granny being in the hopital, my job, and my lights being out just made me want to snap.  I actually did for a minute...on my manager...o___O was not a good thing to do.  We ended up talking it out though and everything ended up fine. 

After all thats been going on sometimes I just don't want to do it any more, anything! I'm like i just want to lay in the bed not get up and ignore all my messages and all my phone calls and my job, and just not do anything anymore.  But I realize you don't get anywhere in life living like that lol.  And with my mind constantly bouncing around I would get board really quick lol. 

I know staying motivated for me is hard sometimes, exspecailly when I feel like I'm not making much progress.  Here are a few tips to staying motivated:

Micromanage your goals. Sometimes I think when we set goals for ourselves reaching them can seem to be so far away and the time it takes to reach your goals can ruin your spirits sometimes.  It may even make it seem that its impossible to reach.  So if you break down the big picture into smaller more managelable goals it will keep you on top of things.  Maybe set weekly goals and as long as you stay on top of them the big picture will come together sooner than you thought.

Reward yourself. Once you reached one of your smaller goals don't forget to reward yourself for that, knowing you get to treat yourself to something small you may have been wanting for a while can be great motivation.

Take a break. Remember to leave time in your schedule to breath.  How will you ever enjoy the benefits of your hard work if you don't take care of yourself in the process.

Make obsticals opportunities.  When something pops up that seems to throw you completly off course don't get sad or upset about it.  Just take a breath and then find ways to make that obstical work to your advantage.  Don't let it paralyze you because that will only set you back further.  Use the obsticals that life throws at you as learning or development tool.

Be thankful. Remember always be thankful.  There is always someone in a worse situation than you.  And sometimes we just need to stop and appreciate the things and people we have in our life, because it could all be gone in a blink of an eye.

Check out this guys perspective on motivation....

So what keeps you motivated?

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