Monday, August 8, 2011

Allow Me to Introduce Myself!

Ok so before I start coming at you guys with a whole bunch or random blogs filled with all my random thoughts and opinions, please allow me to introduce myself.  Hi, I'm Sareka, but if we'are cool you can just call  me Reka =)

I'm a 25 year old single woman trying to make something of myself out here in these mean streets of Ypsilanti, and its not easy.  I grew up in Detroit and that is where my heart resides but right now I live in Ypsilanti, in my nice little apartment with my best friend Carter (who also happens to be a golden setter).

At the moment I have several different jobs that I am trying to eventually cut down to 1 amazing job.  I'm not gonna mention my day job, but there a well known company that helps me pay the bills and keep the lights on (most of the time :-/). I'm a freelance graphic designer by night, and I'm also in charge of marketing for my moms new business Care Smiths Home and Health Care LLC.  As you can see I am also a Founder of Tri-Love and I am constantly thinking of things to make Tri-Love awesome. 

In my leisure time I write blogs =), read blogs, play with my hair, (I'm completely a natural girl now and loving every bit of it) spend time with my family, spend time with friends, spend time surfing the web or reading magazines, drawing, creating designs, redecorating my apartment in my head, listening to music and basically any random thing that comes to mind.  I'm kind of a free spirit from what I have been told, so I do what I do when I feel like doing it, unless it is something that has to be done. 

Anyway I think that is enough about me for now if you want to know more or have any suggestions just comment below and follow me on twitter

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