Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome Home

Lately I have been in the mood for a change, and I decided to start with my enviornment. I have been living in this apartment for about 2+ years and It just dosn't reflect me at all. I have done a few thing like buy new rugs for the bathroom and a new comforter for my bed. With the exception of moving furniture around, I havn't made any really big changes to the place since I moved in. I always wanted to paint or buy certin things to make my apartment a place I was proud to call my home and add my decrotive flair, but I have never really felt motivated to. I think in the back of my head I was just thinking I'm not sure if I am going to renew my lease or if I really wanted to stay. So anyway I am redecorating my apartment =). I am turning my dining room into an office/studio/dining room. I went to Ikea Saturday and bought a few things.
This is the desk I bought and I also bought a LACK shelving unit that I am going to put on the wall horozontally above my desk. I fell in love when I saw it on the showroom floor, and I had to have them both. Sunday I went and bought some paint. I had always wanted to do a green in my kitchen. And I picked a mint blue for my living and dining area. And I was so excited that I couldn't wait so I painted my kitchen last night and at first I was like wow thats bright but now im loving it =). So tonight I will tackle my living and dining area and I will be sure to post pics soon.

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