Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Monday!!!:Whats your motivation?

I'v been thinking a lot about what keeps me motivated.  What makes me want to keep going and try harder and harder to reach my goals.  The last couple of weeks have been very hard for me, I'v been going through so much, I'm suprised that I still have hair on my head. Last week in general was very rough for me, not having a car, granny being in the hopital, my job, and my lights being out just made me want to snap.  I actually did for a minute...on my manager...o___O was not a good thing to do.  We ended up talking it out though and everything ended up fine. 

After all thats been going on sometimes I just don't want to do it any more, anything! I'm like i just want to lay in the bed not get up and ignore all my messages and all my phone calls and my job, and just not do anything anymore.  But I realize you don't get anywhere in life living like that lol.  And with my mind constantly bouncing around I would get board really quick lol. 

I know staying motivated for me is hard sometimes, exspecailly when I feel like I'm not making much progress.  Here are a few tips to staying motivated:

Micromanage your goals. Sometimes I think when we set goals for ourselves reaching them can seem to be so far away and the time it takes to reach your goals can ruin your spirits sometimes.  It may even make it seem that its impossible to reach.  So if you break down the big picture into smaller more managelable goals it will keep you on top of things.  Maybe set weekly goals and as long as you stay on top of them the big picture will come together sooner than you thought.

Reward yourself. Once you reached one of your smaller goals don't forget to reward yourself for that, knowing you get to treat yourself to something small you may have been wanting for a while can be great motivation.

Take a break. Remember to leave time in your schedule to breath.  How will you ever enjoy the benefits of your hard work if you don't take care of yourself in the process.

Make obsticals opportunities.  When something pops up that seems to throw you completly off course don't get sad or upset about it.  Just take a breath and then find ways to make that obstical work to your advantage.  Don't let it paralyze you because that will only set you back further.  Use the obsticals that life throws at you as learning or development tool.

Be thankful. Remember always be thankful.  There is always someone in a worse situation than you.  And sometimes we just need to stop and appreciate the things and people we have in our life, because it could all be gone in a blink of an eye.

Check out this guys perspective on motivation....

So what keeps you motivated?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


"Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless."

Monday, August 22, 2011

Acquire What You Desire.

I've learned in relationships that only yourself can create the change that you desire. Simply telling/making someone change is not effective and kind of demanding which creates a bad vibe. You have to understand everyone has their flaws and their own technique of handling situations. A lot of these habits can be impacted from previous relationships, parenting, or even peers. But at the same time that you understand what makes your partner who they are, some of their ways aren't acceptable when they are directed toward others. Every individual is truly unique.

I say that you have to create the change that you desire, it requires you to approach the situation differently then the past, or even what your accustom too and you can do this by knowing your partner. This will allow you to figure out an effective way to approach a barrier in relationship more effectively. The key to all this is to never give up. You have to find a method that works and you might have to try multiple ways to discover what works. There are tons of different approaches to the obstacles that are slowing you down.

Here is an example. If you and your partner fight all the time, I'm sure you talked about the situation plenty of times, trying to figure out how you can not fight so much anymore and it always seems to never work. You, yourself have to think of a different approach. Try telling your partner i don't like fighting with you i want to try a new idea, every time we fight and it gets out of hand we say a word and if one of us say it you have to drop everything and start over and leave any feelings behind. Your creating the change that you desire in an effective way. After you notice a change you can continue to try these approaches to whats causing you to fight as well as any other issues. If you love each other you should at least be willing to try anything.
If you have issues with communicating and it isn't getting any better play the 20 question game. After awhile these habits will become natural that you wont even have to think about it. Before you know it you are creating a healthy happy relationship. Relationships take a lot of work, think outside the box to acquire what you desire.

I encourage everyone to try different approaches and watch your relationship improve. Maybe not over night but any progression shows that anything is possible.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

hey mi gente, its meag'. part of tri-love, of course. finally getting on here. im the procrastinator of the group with good intentions. however, i do have alot of blogging ideas. so i hope you guys enjoy!! i'd introduce myself, but i think thats already under my profile. so all ya really need to know is that im cool. and so are my girls!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cay's About Me.

Hey im Cay. One of the 3 members of Tri-Love. Our new project we all get to share together. We have some amazing things in store for yall, but you have to be patient with us. I remember when we started calling ourselves Tri-Love. We were in college. I think every single person n campus refered to us as the Trio. We were always together. If one of us was missin we were bounded to get questioned. We were a funny, outgoing, outspoken group of gurls. We shared so many amazing epxperiences of our life together. We developed a love for each other that will never be broken. I love my girls. Tri-Love.
Now a little about myself. My name is cayli aka Cay. I love by Cleveland Ohio (really medina but how many of you you heard of that?? lol) Really right now my main focus in life is 3 things. My son, Finishing school, and Work.
My son Cayden Jace was Born on June 29th, 2010. So he is about one years old now (and a couple months) He is my heart. Before he was born i was lost, and confused, i didnt feel like myself i felt like i was slowly slipping away from the world. Now hes gives my life meaning, im motivated. I just want to make a better life for me and my son and thats all. I started back to school the around the time he was born for Paralegal studies. Now that was a year ago and i have a year left. I made the deans list every semester so far. Im becoming the person i never thought i could be and its all cuz of my lil man. I also work but thats no big deal, jus busting my ass for a few dollars to make it till the next week. One day (hopefully soon) ill find the job that makes me happy and pays me what i deserve.
Other then playin with my son for hours upon hours all day. I like to hang out with my boyfriend find new things we can do as a family. That are free lol. Im really into bargain shopping. I love deals i love coupons. I love going to the store buying a 2 dollar shirt and making an amazing outfit outta it. I love to do my nails. its sort of my obsession and i became really good at it. If you live by me and need your nails done for the low holla at ya gurl. lol. I like to experiment with my hair occassionally but just to find some cute style for my hair. Im tryin to embrass my naturally curly hair like my gurl reka taught me lol. I like blogging, but i dont always find the time to sit down and write whats really on my mind. So thats gonna change for this day forward.
Im gonna start selling Mark makeup soon as another little side hustle. So Please Support Me when i get that started.
So i think i told yall enough background on myself. I'm sure you;ll learn all about me as our blog progresses.

Please follow our blog so you can see why we call ourselves Tri-Love and our working progression to show you. Love Yall :)


Monday, August 8, 2011

Allow Me to Introduce Myself!

Ok so before I start coming at you guys with a whole bunch or random blogs filled with all my random thoughts and opinions, please allow me to introduce myself.  Hi, I'm Sareka, but if we'are cool you can just call  me Reka =)

I'm a 25 year old single woman trying to make something of myself out here in these mean streets of Ypsilanti, and its not easy.  I grew up in Detroit and that is where my heart resides but right now I live in Ypsilanti, in my nice little apartment with my best friend Carter (who also happens to be a golden setter).

At the moment I have several different jobs that I am trying to eventually cut down to 1 amazing job.  I'm not gonna mention my day job, but there a well known company that helps me pay the bills and keep the lights on (most of the time :-/). I'm a freelance graphic designer by night, and I'm also in charge of marketing for my moms new business Care Smiths Home and Health Care LLC.  As you can see I am also a Founder of Tri-Love and I am constantly thinking of things to make Tri-Love awesome. 

In my leisure time I write blogs =), read blogs, play with my hair, (I'm completely a natural girl now and loving every bit of it) spend time with my family, spend time with friends, spend time surfing the web or reading magazines, drawing, creating designs, redecorating my apartment in my head, listening to music and basically any random thing that comes to mind.  I'm kind of a free spirit from what I have been told, so I do what I do when I feel like doing it, unless it is something that has to be done. 

Anyway I think that is enough about me for now if you want to know more or have any suggestions just comment below and follow me on twitter
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