Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rihanna - We Found Love

Ever since I first herd this song I was simply captivated, its been on repeat for days. I was finally able to see the video and it totally changed the meaning of the whole song for me. Its definitely not what I expected. I like it though it has a pretty deep story behind it, and is it just me or does this guy look just like Chris Brown? 

 So what do you think do you guys like it, love it, or can definitely live without it?


Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome Home

Lately I have been in the mood for a change, and I decided to start with my enviornment. I have been living in this apartment for about 2+ years and It just dosn't reflect me at all. I have done a few thing like buy new rugs for the bathroom and a new comforter for my bed. With the exception of moving furniture around, I havn't made any really big changes to the place since I moved in. I always wanted to paint or buy certin things to make my apartment a place I was proud to call my home and add my decrotive flair, but I have never really felt motivated to. I think in the back of my head I was just thinking I'm not sure if I am going to renew my lease or if I really wanted to stay. So anyway I am redecorating my apartment =). I am turning my dining room into an office/studio/dining room. I went to Ikea Saturday and bought a few things.
This is the desk I bought and I also bought a LACK shelving unit that I am going to put on the wall horozontally above my desk. I fell in love when I saw it on the showroom floor, and I had to have them both. Sunday I went and bought some paint. I had always wanted to do a green in my kitchen. And I picked a mint blue for my living and dining area. And I was so excited that I couldn't wait so I painted my kitchen last night and at first I was like wow thats bright but now im loving it =). So tonight I will tackle my living and dining area and I will be sure to post pics soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

More Editing Fun by Cay

Sometimes im'm not sure what where i am going with these pictures. but the end product is always amazing. What do you guys think of my lil man Cayden, rockin his dad's fitted. I can see this on a shirt or a poster. :) but im a lil bias.

How To Love - Lil Wayne [Abel Miller Cover] @linkuptv @AbelMiller

Nice lil cover on how to love by lil wayne. In my opinion way better than waynes version. I respect wayne for doin that amazing song, it has a lot of meaning but hes not the best signer. Hearing an amazig singer do this song, changes my love for it.

Amazing Cover on How to Love, Madd Props.

Abel Miller <--- For more music by this guy check out his official You Tube channel here.

Linkuptvuk <---- Check out more music from the UK out. Here is is Youtube channel if your interesting in listening to other songs :) 

What do you guys think, did he do a better job or is wanye better? I would love to hear your opinions :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Editing Fun

Working on my editing...what yall think? I loveee it :) n' my son CJ rocckin the fitted......

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